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Globally longevity has been increasing, however not only do inequalities remain, but more importantly, real and perceived “health” has not always kept pace. If we live longer but are suffering extensive and extended morbidities, as well as depressed mental, physical, and social status, then should a long life measured by number of years, months and days be the only goal? Since 2010, CRN-I has sponsored and organized annual scientific symposia at the Codex CCNFSDU meeting to provide current scientific thinking, academic research, and public health policy considerations, complimentary for national delegates. This year, our three virtual webinars will examine healthy ageing and health promotion throughout the life-course, targeted nutritional elements that are backed by scientific research, and several well-studied bioactive constituents that may eventually be recognized for their public health promoting opportunities. Please join us by registering to virtually attend one or all of the “Science-based Policy: Targeted Nutrition for All Ages and the Role of Bioactives” webinars.
(original live date 30 Oct 2020)
Promoting Health Through the Life-Course
Alexandre Kalache, MD, PhD
President, International Longevity Centre Brazil (ILC-Brazil)
Co-director, Age Friendly Foundation, Boston
HelpAge International Global Ambassador on AgeingRole of omega-3 fatty acids during development
Omega-3 Fatty Acids During Development
Susan Carlson, PhD
Associate Dean for Research, Program Director, Doctorate in Medical Nutrition Science, AJ Rice Professor Nutrition, University of Kansas Medical Center
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(Original live date 17 Nov 2020)
Sarcopenia: Importance of an accurate measure of muscle mass and the influence of dietary protein and essential amino acids
William Evans, PhD
Adjunct Professor of Human Nutrition, Department of Nutritional Sciences & Toxicology, University of California, Berkeley
Vitamin D and Immunity: Current Controversies and Future Perspectives
Susan Lanham-New, PhD, FRSB, FAfN
Professor of Human Nutrition & Head, Nutritional Sciences Department, School of Biosciences & Medicine, Faculty of Health & Medical Sciences, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK
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(Original live date 8 Dec)
Diet and Bioactives in the Management of Inflammaging
Dr. Francesco Visioli
Professor of Human Nutrition, Department of Molecular Medicine, Università degli Studi di Padova
A Nutrient Reference Value (NRV) Process for Bioactives: Public Health and Healthy Ageing
Dr. Richard Bazinet
Canada Research Chair in Brain Lipid Metabolism
Professor, Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Toronto